Psychology & Psychiatry

Does practicing gratitude help us to be less stressed?

Researchers from Irish universities have carried out a study with 68 adults and found that gratitude has a unique stress-buffering effect on both reactions to and recovery from acute psychological stress. This effect can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality traits could predict those prone to prejudice

Psychology researchers at the University of Oregon think they are getting closer to knowing whether personality and morality can be used to predict whether people adopt prejudicial beliefs.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How we learn from being wrong can lead to anxiety

How we learn from erroneous expectations that we face in the real world differs from person to person. While some may develop an optimistic viewpoint towards life, others may take on a more pessimistic outlook.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Proceed with caution: The trouble with trigger warnings

Trigger warnings are widely used in many universities—and increasingly, the wider world. Last year, London's Globe theater attached a trigger warning to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, advising it "contains depictions of ...

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