Overweight & Obesity

Junk food may impair our deep sleep, finds study

In a new study, researchers at Uppsala University have investigated how junk food affects sleep. Healthy participants consumed an unhealthier as well as a healthier diet in a randomized order. After the unhealthier diet, ...


Diet cycling impacts spatial memory according to rat study

We all know this scenario. You've been sticking to a healthy diet, then the weekend rolls around. Pub meals, greasy fry-ups, takeaway dinners… None of that matters as long as you ate healthily during the week, right?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Size matters when ordering food online, says study

What effect does verbal size descriptors have on portion size selections when people order their meals online? Quite a lot—and some cues can prompt people to order a larger size—according to new research from Flinders ...


Why is American food so unhealthy?

It's no secret: The standard American diet is at the root of the obesity epidemic and many of its associated diseases.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Non-communicable diseases cause 74% of global deaths: WHO

Non-communicable diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes are responsible for 74 percent of deaths globally and cracking down on risk factors could save millions of lives, the WHO said Wednesday.

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