Overweight & Obesity

Odds for an eating disorder may vary by income

(HealthDay)—Young Americans from low-income homes are more likely than those whose families are better off to be unhappy with the way they look and to have an eating disorder, a new study finds.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some people overeat when they're upset

The idea of eating a tub of ice cream to cope with being upset has become a bit cliche. Though some might not need a tub of chocolate swirl to help perk themselves up again, there do seem to be systematic differences in the ...


Five ways to keep that lost weight gone for good

(HealthDay)—Losing weight and keeping it off comes down to making permanent changes in the way you eat. Although many eating habits are formed in childhood, it's never too late to improve. But you'll need to reinforce them ...


Multiple screen use affects snack choices

Using multiple screen devices simultaneously while snacking may influence food choices, according to a new Michigan State University study.


Food cues undermine healthy eating choices

Obesity has become a major health issue due to the current 'obesogenic' environment in which unhealthy food is both easy and cheap to purchase. As a result, many (government) organisations encourage healthy eating habits ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Unhealthy cravings curbed by smartphone treatment

What if an app could recognise when you are craving unhealthy food and give you a notification to warn you not to eat it? Researchers in the EU are working to make this a reality for those with eating disorders.

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