
How commercial actors influence and impact health and society

Commercial actors can contribute positively to health and society, and many do, providing essential products and services. However, some of these actors are escalating avoidable levels of ill health, damage to the planet, ...


The world is hooked on junk food: How big companies pull it off

It is almost impossible nowadays to listen to the radio, watch TV or scroll through social media without being exposed to an advertisement telling us that all we need for a little happiness and love is a sugary drink or a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

This is your brain on love

You walk into the room and see their face. They smile at you and look into your eyes. And just like that, your heart drops to your feet and you can't speak. At least, not coherently.


Cutting costs shouldn't cost you your heart health

As prices are in flux at the grocery store and elsewhere, Baylor College of Medicine cardiologists say not to let the threat of inflation lead you to make choices that could impact your heart health.

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