
The truth about advertising junk food to children: It works

(Medical Xpress) -- Children exposed to advertisements for high-calorie and nutrient-poor foods consume more unhealthy foods overall, regardless of the specific product and brand being marketed, finds a new study from the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Junk food may lead to mental health problems in children

(Medical Xpress)—New research suggests that mums with unhealthy diets during pregnancy are more likely to have children with behavioural problems. It has also shown that children with unhealthy diets have increased symptoms ...


Canada to ban junk food ads targeting kids?

As you may have heard, we have a new Prime Minister here in Canada. This week he gave marching orders to members of his cabinet, and as you might expect, he has some interesting goals for our new Minister of Health, Dr Jane ...


How stress can tweak the brain to sabotage self-control

A challenging morning meeting or an interaction with an upset client at work may affect whether we go for that extra chocolate bar at lunch. In a study appearing August 5 in Neuron, researchers placed human volunteers in ...

Overweight & Obesity

This is why child obesity rates have soared

New data on almost 13 million people, from 200 countries around the world, points to a tenfold increase in rates of obesity among children and adolescents over the last four decades. This is the largest study of its kind ...


Does junk food shrink your brain?

New research has shown for the first time that the part of the brain used for learning, memory and mental health is smaller in people with unhealthy diets.


New gut-brain circuits found for sugar and fat cravings

Understanding why we overeat unhealthy foods has been a long-standing mystery. While we know food's strong power influences our choices, the precise circuitry in our brains behind this is unclear. The vagus nerve sends internal ...

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