
Nutrient-based tax could cut nation's medical bills

(Medical Xpress)—To reduce obesity-related disease in America, many policymakers and public health officials have proposed either taxing products that make us fat or taxing individual nutrients in fattening foods, like ...


People respond to tax on unhealthy foods

(Medical Xpress)—Excise taxes on unhealthy foods – combined with public-service anti-obesity advertising – might cut calories and cholesterol from Americans' lunch menus.


Political correctness could affect holiday weight gain

It's that time of year when Americans start focusing on holiday celebrations, many of which will involve high-calorie food. As the festivities proceed, so do countless tips for keeping off extra weight this season.


Why do humans pig out?

Researchers from University of Copenhagen have discovered big differences in the variability of eating habits among pigs. The newly published study showed that for some (pigs with certain genetic variants) overeating was ...


Office employees 'too tired' to exercise

(HealthDay)—Barriers and enablers for good nutrition and physical activity influence employee health behaviors, according to research published online Sept. 12 in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Preventing ...

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