Psychology & Psychiatry

Size matters when ordering food online, says study

What effect does verbal size descriptors have on portion size selections when people order their meals online? Quite a lot—and some cues can prompt people to order a larger size—according to new research from Flinders ...


Why is American food so unhealthy?

It's no secret: The standard American diet is at the root of the obesity epidemic and many of its associated diseases.


1-2-3 approach to eating fruits and veggies

Is it a challenge for you to eat all five servings of fruits and vegetables every day? The 1-2-3 approach can help you pack in all your servings—and more—throughout the day.


Emotional patterns a factor in children's food choices

The emotional context in which eating occurs has been thought to influence eating patterns and diet, with studies finding negative emotions predict excessive calorie intake and poor diet quality. A research article featured ...

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