
Unhealthy habits cost Canadians six years of life

Unhealthy habits are costing Canadians an estimated six years of life, according to a study published today in PLOS Medicine. Researchers found that smoking, poor diet, physical inactivity, and unhealthy alcohol consumption ...


'Lifestyle' diseases kill 16 mn prematurely: WHO

Diseases linked to lifestyle choices, including diabetes and some cancers, kill 16 million people prematurely each year, the World Health Organization said Monday, urging action to stop the "slow-moving public health disaster".


Holiday eating not detrimental to good regular dietary habits

Tis the season to attend food-filled festivities that generally tax the old waistline. If you're tired of stressing over calories and weight gain, here's a bit of advice from Peter Pribis, assistant professor of nutrition ...


Why do humans pig out?

Researchers from University of Copenhagen have discovered big differences in the variability of eating habits among pigs. The newly published study showed that for some (pigs with certain genetic variants) overeating was ...


Many kids missing out on healthy lifestyle

(HealthDay)—Only half of American youths get the recommended amount of exercise and less than one-third eat the suggested amount of fruits and vegetables each day, according to a federal government study.

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