Oncology & Cancer

Danish discovery may change cancer treatment

Danish researchers from the University of Copenhagen and Herlev Hospital have made a discovery that may change the principles for treating certain types of cancer.


A healthy lifestyle adds years to life

Live longer thanks to fruit, an active lifestyle, limited alcohol and no cigarettes. This is the conclusion of a study by public health physicians at the University of Zurich who documented for the first time the impact of ...


A nine-month window for helpful intervention

(Medical Xpress)—Countering the effects of lifelong poor health habits—smoking, poor diet, little exercise—is important and may take time. What if interventions during the nine-month window of pregnancy could improve ...


Lifestyle influences metabolism via DNA methylation

An unhealthy lifestyle leaves traces in the DNA. These may have specific effects on metabolism, causing organ damage or disease. Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum München have now identified 28 DNA alterations associated with ...

Overweight & Obesity

WHO urges action against obesity as poor nations get fatter

Alarmed at expanding waistlines around the world, the UN's health agency has urged countries to get serious about reining in a ballooning obesity crisis, proposing an action plan that includes taxing unhealthy snacks and ...

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