
US ready to usher in 'Obamacare'

President Barack Obama's landmark health care reforms take effect on Wednesday, granting coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans after nearly four years of bitter wrangling that has loomed large over the US ...


Curtain rises Wednesday on 'Obamacare'

(HealthDay)—It survived a U.S. Supreme Court challenge, multiple repeal attempts, delays of key provisions and a disastrous rollout, and now the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare," marks a major milestone.


Survey: US progress on health insurance stalled in 2015

Going into President Barack Obama's last year in office, progress has stalled on reducing the number of uninsured Americans under his signature health care law, according to a major survey out Thursday.


Survey: US health insurance gains pick up (Update)

A growing share of Americans got health insurance as sign-up season for President Barack Obama's health care law neared its end last month, a major survey released Monday has found.


Survey: US uninsured up 3.5M this year; expected to rise

The number of U.S. adults without health insurance is up nearly 3.5 million this year, as rising premiums and political turmoil over "Obamacare" undermine coverage gains that drove the nation's uninsured rate to a historic ...

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