Psychology & Psychiatry

U.S. suicide rates rising faster outside cities

(HealthDay)—Although the U.S. suicide rate has been rising gradually since 2000, suicides in less urban areas are outpacing those in more urban areas, according to a new federal report.


Diabetes in Chinese adults linked to 9 years' loss of life

Among adults in China, those with diabetes diagnosed in middle age lose, on average, nine years of life compared with those without diabetes, according to new research published in the January 17 issue of JAMA.


Odds of having asthma 53 percent higher in food deserts

Living in a food desert - an urban area where it is difficult to buy affordable or good-quality fresh food - means you're at increased risk to have asthma. Children who were studied who did not have access to fresh fruits ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Middle England' faces lowest psychosis risk

The risk of developing a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia is highest for young people, men, ethnic minorities and people living in urban areas and poorer neighbourhoods, finds a new study by UCL and the University ...

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