Psychology & Psychiatry

Greenspaces should support mental health among young adults

Even though many global cities incorporate greenspaces such as pocket parks and community gardens into their urban planning efforts, new UBC research shows those plans often fail to include the needs of youth and young adults ...


Tips on dealing with seasonal allergies

Colorful flowers and delicate blossoms on trees are not the only sign that spring has truly arrived. For many, allergies are a sign the seasons have changed. Up to one in four Canadians suffer from allergic rhinitis and its ...


Health and the city: Using urban design to promote heart health

Cities harbour a dangerous cocktail of environmental stressors which politicians must tackle to save lives and preserve health. That's the conclusion of a paper published today in European Heart Journal, a journal of the ...


Cars vs. health: Lancet series on urban planning, public health

Automobiles—and the planning and infrastructure to support them—are making our cities sick, says an international group of researchers now publishing a three-part series in the British medical journal The Lancet.

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