Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Vaccination only way to halt childhood disease

Vaccination is the most effective and safe preventive strategy against many childhood infectious diseases. We can vaccinate effectively and safely against potentially lethal and debilitating diseases including measles, mumps, ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Should measles vaccinations be compulsory?

Following a measles outbreak in Rockland County in New York State, authorities there have declared a state of emergency, with unvaccinated children barred from public spaces, raising important questions about the responsibilities ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

High rates of MenB vaccination advised in university outbreaks

(HealthDay)—Achieving high serogroup B meningococcal (MenB) vaccination coverage is recommended following university-based outbreaks of meningococcal disease caused by serogroup B, according to a study published online ...


Get the flu shot – to lower your risk of a heart attack

Were the members of the legendary musical group Bon Jovi medical visionaries? How else do you explain Shot to the Heart? This prophetic song predicted the protective benefits of the flu shot against heart disease more than ...

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