
German care home workers given five times vaccine dose

Eight care home workers in Germany were accidentally injected with five doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, local authorities said Monday—but are suffering no serious ill effects so far.


Rare vaccine injury claims steered to obscure federal office

Though most people who protect themselves with a coronavirus vaccine will never develop serious side effects, such rare cases are barred from federal court and instead steered to an obscure program with a record of seldom ...


Vaccine injury claims could face bureaucratic 'black hole'

Lost in the U.S. launch of the coronavirus vaccine is a fact most don't know when they roll up their sleeves: In rare cases of serious illness from the shots, the injured are blocked from suing and steered instead to an obscure ...


FDA plans to OK 2nd COVID-19 vaccine after panel endorsement

The head of the Food and Drug Administration said late Thursday that his agency will move to quickly authorize the second COVID-19 vaccine to fight the pandemic, hours after the shot won the key endorsement of a government ...


Drug may boost vaccine responses in older adults

A drug that boosts the removal of cellular debris in immune cells may increase the protective effects of vaccines in older adults, a study published today in eLife shows.


What we know about COVID-19 vaccines and side effects

The distribution of the first vaccines for the coronavirus has raised hopes that the end of the pandemic may be in sight, but it has also sparked some concern about side effects.

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