
A physician's guide for anti-vaccine parents

In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be vaccinated? During National Infant Immunization Week, a Mayo Clinic vaccine expert and a pediatrician ...

Medical research

Exploring vaccine safety

When a vaccine is given, there's always a risk of side-effects since it induces an immune response. The BIO-department is involved in the largest vaccine project ever, with the aim to develop new tools for monitoring vaccine ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study evaluates parents' reluctance to vaccinate asthmatic kids

Concern over vaccine safety is one of the primary factors preventing parents from having their asthmatic children vaccinated for influenza, or flu, according to Michigan researchers. Parents who do not vaccinate their children ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q&A: Should pregnant women be vaccinated for COVID-19?

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am a teacher at a middle school that is teaching students in person. I have been vigilant about following safety guidelines, but now that I am pregnant, I worry even more about contracting COVID-19 and ...

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