
How much fiber should you eat?

It's a muggy morning in late August in Durham, N.C.—the temperature has already hit 85 degrees by 9 a.m.—and Jeff Letourneau is headed into the woods. The Ph.D. student in Duke's Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology ...


Quinn on Nutrition: What's in your lunch bag?

I have to admit I was pretty proud of myself when I unpacked the leftovers from my lunch bag this week. Almost by accident, what I had pulled out of the fridge as I ran out of the house turned out to be a fairly balanced ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Toward a gentler relationship with food

What kinds of mental imagery do the women's choices evoke? How do you see Mari? What about Sari? Studies have shown that our attitudes toward food are often inadvertently accompanied by a moral undertone. We judge food choices ...

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