
Video: What is vascular dementia?

An estimated 55 million people are believed to be living with dementia, according to the World Health Organization. Vascular diseases contribute to approximately 25% of all diagnoses.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

What is the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia?

Alzheimer's and related forms of dementia are commonplace with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reporting that 5.8 million people in the United States live with these diseases. This number is expected to rise ...


What is vascular dementia?

Vascular dementia is a general term describing problems with reasoning, planning, judgment, memory and other thought processes caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow to your brain.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Liver disease linked to higher risk of dementia: Study

People who have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a buildup of fat cells in the liver, may have a higher risk of dementia, according to a new study published in the July 13, 2022, online issue of Neurology. Researchers also ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Risk factors for dementia may vary with age, finds study

Which vascular risk factors are associated with the risk of developing dementia may vary with age. A new study shows that among people around age 55, the risk of developing dementia over the next 10 years was increased in ...

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