
Traumatic events take toll on the heart

Today it seems about everything has been shown to lead to heart disease. Of course smoking is bad for you, as is high blood pressure. There's even mounting evidence that psychosocial factors can cause heart problems. A new ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Midlife cardiovascular risk factors may increase chances of dementia

A large, long-term study suggests that middle aged Americans who have vascular health risk factors, including diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking, have a greater chance of suffering from dementia later in life. The ...


Diabetes drug gets FDA warning due to amputation risk

(HealthDay)—The type 2 diabetes prescription drug canagliflozin (brand names Invokana, Invokamet, Invokamet XR) appears to increase the risk of leg and foot amputations, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.


Could a beetroot a day keep the doctor at bay?

A QUT study is underway to discover whether beetroot juice could be a new 'super food' to improve vascular health, including blood coagulation and boosting immune cells, in older people and volunteers are wanted to take part.

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