
How to pick the best produce at the farmers' market

(HealthDay)—Fresh vegetables are nutrient-rich diet mainstays and can be inexpensive when bought in season. Simple selection tips will enable you to choose the best produce to turn into delectable meals and, just as important, ...


Eating fish may help prevent asthma

A James Cook University scientist says an innovative study has revealed new evidence that eating fish can help prevent asthma.


The saturated fat debate rages on

(HealthDay)—It's hard to keep up with the findings from studies on the health effects of saturated fat—you know, the fat typically found in animal foods, from red meat to whole milk. But one thing's certain.


Supermarket smarts: how to save money and eat better

(HealthDay)—If supermarket circulars influence your grocery shopping, you could be saving money at the expense of your health. That's because studies show the offerings are often far from the healthiest food choices.

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