
Five ways to eat more veggies

(HealthDay)—It's a healthy habit we try to instill in our kids though we don't always do it ourselves—eating more vegetables every day.


Everything you need to know about trans fats

Nearly 12 years after it was first recommended, the federal government has announced its intention to ban partially hydrogenated oils in all food sold in Canada.


​Eating well in the food desert

We all know veggies keep us healthy. But for a lot of kids in regional and remote WA, it can be tricky to fill their diet with fresh, affordable food.


Get the veggies, skip the starch

(HealthDay)—Who doesn't love a big serving of creamy mashed potatoes or a side of steamy rice with their chicken? They're delicious, but it's easy to overindulge in these starchy, higher-calorie foods while falling short ...


Reassessing the benefits of plant-based eating

A large dietary study from 18 countries, across 7 geographic regions has found that even relatively moderate intake of fruit, vegetables and legumes such as beans and lentils may lower a person's risk of cardiovascular disease ...

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