
Quinn on Nutrition: Managing multiple nutrition conditions

Q: My husband was recently diagnosed with kidney stones (lots of them!) and has been advised to limit high oxalate foods. He was also treated for prostate cancer a while back and also has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. ...


Packaged foods go vegetarian

Vegetarian foods are positioned for success in the marketplace as public health advocates highlight the benefits of plant-based diets and a growing number of consumers embrace meat-free or meat-reduced lifestyles. Earlier ...


Visions of a vegetarian New Zealand

A vegetarian New Zealand is seen as contradictory to our national identity but may create a kinder society, according to Victoria University of Wellington research.


Should blood type guide your food choices?

While searching for relief from migraines and general malaise, a friend recently consulted a nutritionist who told her, matter-of-factly, that because she has Type O blood, she should be eating lots of meat and eliminating ...


Doctors, nurses often use holistic medicine for themselves

U.S. health care workers, especially doctors and nurses, use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) far more than do workers in other fields, according to a new study. CAM includes diverse therapies outside the realm ...

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