Gerontology & Geriatrics

Older adults being overprescribed sedatives

Older adults in Canada are being overprescribed benzodiazepines and other sedative-hypnotic drugs with brand names such as Ativan, Valium and Xanax, according to University of Alberta experts.


More teens dying, with drugs and violence to blame

(HealthDay)—A perfect storm of murder, addiction and carelessness has fueled a recent and troubling increase in deaths among U.S. children and teens, a new government report shows.


Emergency CT for head trauma may be overused, study shows

Emergency patients are too often given head CT to check for skull fractures and brain hemorrhage, leading to unnecessary heath care costs and patient exposure to radiation, according to a study to be presented at the ARRS ...


Head injuries hit one in 14 kids, CDC reports

(HealthDay)—Given the news of the devastating effects of head injuries among professional football players, parents may wonder if their mini athletes are at risk, too.

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