
Slower growth in working memory linked to teen driving crashes

Research into why adolescent drivers are involved in motor vehicle crashes, the leading cause of injury and death among 16- to 19-year-olds in the United States, has often focused on driving experience and skills. But a new ...


Stronger drunk driving laws lead to safer roads, study finds

Changes to British Columbia's laws against driving while impaired have reduced fatal crashes as well as ambulance calls and hospital admissions resulting from motor vehicle crashes, a new University of British Columbia study ...


Legal cannabis markets linked to increased motor vehicle deaths

A new study from the University of Illinois Chicago has used death certificate data to compare mortality rates in states that legalized recreational cannabis dispensaries with states that only provided access to medical cannabis. ...


Mild traumatic brain injury can have lasting effects for families

Families of patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) may expect them to return to normal quickly—after all, it's "just a concussion." But mild TBI can have a lasting impact on families as well as patients, according ...

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