
Ah, spring . . . and a snakebite alert

(HealthDay)—As temperatures rise and spring rains fall, snakes in the U.S. Southwest—including venomous snakes—leave their winter hideouts and become more active. That puts people and their pets at greater risk for ...


How to avoid snakebites, and what to do if you're bitten

Having received more than 85 calls this year about snakebites, the Blue Ridge Poison Center at UVA Health is sharing tips on how to avoid snakebites and what to do—and not do—if you get bitten.


New snakebite treatment makes major advance

A University of Arizona researcher developing a therapy to prevent or delay the dangerous results of rattlesnake and other venomous snakebites in humans has shown that a combination of carbon monoxide and iron inhibits snake ...


Fruit- derived rutin combats the effects of jararaca viper venom

Rutin, a bioflavonoid (plant pigment) found in certain vegetables and fruits, protects mice against snake venom by minimizing bleeding and inflammation, according to a study performed at the Butantan Institute, a research ...

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