Psychology & Psychiatry

No pain, no gain? How the brain chooses between pain and profit

Imagine having to choose over and over between what you enjoy doing and the pain that it might cause you, whether physical or emotional. If you live with conditions such as depression, anxiety, or chronic pain, you are probably ...


Type 2 diabetes accelerates brain aging and cognitive decline

Scientists have demonstrated that normal brain aging is accelerated by approximately 26% in people with progressive type 2 diabetes compared to individuals without the disease, reports a study published today in eLife.


Maternal socialization, not biology, shapes child brain activity

Children of mothers with clinical depression are at three times greater risk to develop depression themselves than are their low-risk peers. Researchers are working to understand the neural underpinnings of the risk, and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mine or ours: The brain's choice

Researchers from HSE University have shown how the brain works differently depending on whether a subject is dealing with common (shared) or private natural resources. The ventral striatum—the so-called pleasure center—plays ...


Motivation depends on how the brain processes fatigue

How do we decide whether or not an activity which requires work is 'worth the effort'? Researchers at the University of Birmingham & University of Oxford have shown that the willingness to work is not static, and depends ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychedelic drugs: how the brains of informed users are different

There is a new generation of drug users out there who possess highly detailed pharmacological and technical knowledge about the drugs they take. "Psychonauts" (meaning "navigator of the soul") are enthusiastic and deliberate ...

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