
Ketamine found to be unlikely to lead to addiction

A team of researchers at the University of Geneva has found that ketamine is unlikely to be addictive to people who use it for extended periods of time. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes ...


Making sense of socially enhanced aggression in the brains of mice

When male animals spend time around other males of the same species, subsequent aggressive behavior tends to be amplified—this type of priming is known as social instigation. However, the pathway in the brain that leads ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Motivation to achieve goals may depend on anxiety level

People often have different responses to stress. These distinct behavioral reactions could represent factors that indicate different individual susceptibility to develop certain pathologies such as depression. A research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Viewing your own face, even subconsciously, is rewarding

As humans, we each have a powerful ability to easily recognize our own face. But now, researchers from Japan have uncovered new information about how our cognitive systems enable us to distinguish our own face from those ...


Researchers discover how the brain learns from subconscious stimuli

Researchers uncovered for the first time what happens in animals' brains when they learn from subconscious, visual stimuli. In time, this knowledge can lead to new treatments for a number of conditions. The study, a collaboration ...

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