
Surprising culprit worsens stroke, TBI damage

In the aftermath of a stroke or TBI, a group of amino acids that typically support brain function contribute significantly to the brain destruction that can follow both these injuries, scientists report.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Providing a potential treatment option to infants where there is none

A little over 1% of babies born in the U.S. in 2020 fell under the category of very low birthweight, meaning they weighed less than 1,500 grams at birth, or less than 3 pounds, 4 ounces. And considering that the Centers ...


Study reveals journey of immune cells in developing zebrafish

Microglia, the immune cells of the brain, form the first line of defense against neurodegenerative diseases and traumatic brain injuries. They maintain brain homeostasis, the stable condition necessary for survival, by acting ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

New mothers could help protect other babies' brains

The placenta from mothers of healthy newborns could one day be used to reduce brain injury in growth-restricted babies, according to University of Queensland research.

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