Psychology & Psychiatry

Vets' PTSD affects mental and physical health of partners

A study from the University of Utah sheds new light on the health risks faced not only by military veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but by their partners as well. Results of the study will be presented ...


These eight habits could lengthen your life by decades

A new study involving over 700,000 U.S. veterans reports that people who adopt eight healthy lifestyle habits by middle age can expect to live substantially longer than those with few or none of these habits. The eight habits ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Meditation helps conflict veterans with PTSD, study finds

Transcendental meditation—the practice of effortless thinking—may be as effective at treating PTSD in conflict veterans as traditional therapy, US researchers said Friday, in findings that could help tens of thousands ...


Biomarkers may help us understand recovery time after concussion

A blood test may help researchers understand which people may take years to recover from concussion, according to a study published in the May 27, 2020 online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy ...

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