
Study compares active video gaming to unstructured outdoor play

The increasing use of video games is often blamed for children's lack of interest in physical activity, but a UT study recently published in the Games for Health Journal suggests that active video games may actually be a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video games make you less sexist? It's not quite that simple

The latest article exploring sexism in academia suggests that it no longer exists. Some have already grumbled about flaws in the study's design. But more than that, I simply don't believe the finding because there is clear ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Videogames boost skills, but also harmful

Good news and bad news for video gamers: new research shows game play boosts visual and cognitive skills, but that too much of the activity is linked to behavioral problems.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Gaming benefits to be proven in new study

Video gamers are better at multitasking and maintaining concentration than the average population, upcoming WA research hopes to prove.

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