Psychology & Psychiatry

Frequent gamers have brain differences, study finds

Fourteen-year-olds who were frequent video gamers had more gray matter in the rewards center of the brain than peers who didn't play video games as much - suggesting that gaming may be correlated to changes in the brain, ...


Soon you'll be able to examine your gut from home

We are up on the third floor of the electrical building at NTNU, not a place you usually associate with cancer research and medical equipment. But the little green pill that researcher Ali Khalegi is holding between his thumb ...


Researchers magnify the brain in motion with every heartbeat

Understanding how the brain moves – at rest and upon impact – has been crucial to understanding brain disorders, but technology has lagged behind. Now, researchers at Stanford University and the University of Auckland ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Violent video games alter brain function in young men

A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis of long-term effects of violent video game play on the brain has found changes in brain regions associated with cognitive function and emotional control in young adult ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How long should children play video games?

A new study indicates that playing video games for a limited amount of time each week may provide benefits to children, but too much can be detrimental. The findings are published in the Annals of Neurology.


Brain scans show we take risks because we can't stop ourselves

A new study correlating brain activity with how people make decisions suggests that when individuals engage in risky behavior, such as drunk driving or unsafe sex, it's probably not because their brains' desire systems are ...


Gamers have an advantage in learning: study

Neuropsychologists of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum let video gamers compete against non-gamers in a learning competition. During the test, the video gamers performed significantly better and showed an increased brain activity ...

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