
New medical devices help doctors with disabilities

Instead of using a traditional stethoscope or otoscope to examine a patient, one physician-in-training at the University of Michigan uses a new device, with a long, flexible wire and camera at its tip. A live video feed plays ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

No, there's still no link between video games and violence

Do video games trigger violent behavior? Scientific studies have found no link. But the persistent theory is back in the headlines following the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas , on Saturday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

The cat's meow: the emotional boost of cute videos

(HealthDay)—The numbers surrounding the continuing cat video craze are astounding. In one year alone, more than 2 million cat videos were posted on YouTube and had close to 26 billion views.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Elevated tween screen time linked to disruptive behavior disorders

Tweens who spend more time on screens have a higher likelihood of developing disruptive behavior disorders, with social media having an especially strong influence, a new UC San Francisco-led study published today in the ...

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