Psychology & Psychiatry

US panel to study Agent Orange residue exposure

The U.S. Veterans Affairs Department has long resisted disability claims from service members who said chemical residue left in Vietnam War-era planes that were used to spray defoliants over Southeast Asia caused them severe ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study details prevalence of PTSD in Vietnam War women vets

Women who served in Vietnam have higher odds of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than women stationed during that era in the United States, and this effect appears to be associated with wartime exposures including sexual ...

Medical research

Australian treatment could save wounded soldiers

Australian scientists Wednesday said they have developed a "breakthrough treatment" to help soldiers severely wounded in battle, with the US to fund further research.


The learning gap experienced by malnourished children

Oxford University researchers have measured the learning gap experienced by five-year old children who are stunted through malnourishment. They are tracking the long-term effects on their schooling and later prospects in ...

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