Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's disease: Bad dreams could be an early warning sign

Every night when we go to sleep, we spend a couple of hours in a virtual world created by our brains in which we are the main protagonist of an unfolding story we did not consciously create. In other words, we dream.


Color affects people's behavior differently in virtual reality

Color affects people differently in virtual reality than in the real world, according to a new study. An expert from Heriot-Watt University says the differences could be used by virtual reality designers to make the experience ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passive virtual reality more sickness-inducing than active play

Passive watching of a virtual reality game caused relatively severe cybersickness. In contrast, active playing of the game led to diminishing cybersickness, according to a study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, ...


Researchers record brainwaves to measure 'cybersickness'

If a virtual world has ever left you feeling nauseous or disorientated, you're familiar with cybersickness, and you're hardly alone. The intensity of virtual reality (VR)—whether that's standing on the edge of a waterfall ...

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