Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality makes empathy easier

Virtual reality activates brain networks that increase your ability to identify with other people, according to new research published in eNeuro. The technology could become a tool in the treatment of violent offenders to ...

Overweight & Obesity

Mixed-reality technology may improve research on eating behaviors

In 2020, more than four in ten people in the United States had obesity, an increase from three in ten people in the year 2000, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To better understand eating behaviors ...


Nursing care in a virtual world

“Fishermen on boats, they eat all kinds of stuff,” says Nursing Professor Antonia Arnaert. She is voluble in her excitement about her most recent research project, which involved teaching patients with uncontrolled ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why the brain needs to get out and about

We are all at home in familiar surroundings. Not only is this boring but it can also have a negative influence on our learning, explains cognitive neuropsychologist Judith Schomaker. "Discovering new environments gets our ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Passive virtual reality more sickness-inducing than active play

Passive watching of a virtual reality game caused relatively severe cybersickness. In contrast, active playing of the game led to diminishing cybersickness, according to a study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, ...

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