Psychology & Psychiatry

How to cope when you lose access to a digital world you love

US games developer Blizzard Activision has become embroiled in worldwide litigation relating to its proposed acquisition by Microsoft. It has also fallen out with its Chinese distributor NetEase. This might sound like news ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds virtual green space exposure beneficial to pregnant women

Pregnant women exposed to a green space environment in a virtual reality setting experienced decreases in blood pressure and improvements in mental health and well-being, according to a study led by the University of California, ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's disease: Bad dreams could be an early warning sign

Every night when we go to sleep, we spend a couple of hours in a virtual world created by our brains in which we are the main protagonist of an unfolding story we did not consciously create. In other words, we dream.

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