The key to preventing HIV progression may lie in the gut

Restoring and improving gut health may be key to slowing HIV progression to AIDS, according to a new study by University of Pittsburgh infectious diseases scientists published today in the journal JCI Insight.


'Geneva patient' the latest in long-term remission from HIV

A man dubbed the "Geneva patient" is the latest person with HIV to be declared in long-term remission—however he did not receive a transplant with a virus-blocking gene mutation like previous cases, researchers said on ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

An immune flaw may cause West Nile virus's deadliest symptoms

Four out of five of people infected with the mosquito-borne West Nile virus (WNV) won't even know it—heartening news when you consider there's no vaccine to prevent the disease nor targeted medications to treat it. However, ...

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