
Eyes in the back of the head

Spatial representations of surroundings, including those outside the visual field, are crucial for guiding movement in a three-dimensional world. The visual system appears to provide sufficient information for movement despite ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Action video games to fight dyslexia

A study conducted by BCBL, the Basque research center, reveals that action video games improve visual attention and reading ability, two deficits suffered by people with dyslexia. The objective is to use the most useful elements ...


Many things can be read in a newborn's gaze

Experienced nannies and doctors have always known how much the visual contact with a newborn can convey. A recent Finnish study provides scientific evidence for this everyday belief. A study performed in the University of ...

Medical research

Postdoc unravels secrets to implant effectiveness

There's a saying in neuroscience: 'Neurons that fire together wire together.' Dan Stolzberg wants to better understand how those 'firing neurons' impact the success of cochlear implants.


A vision exam for mice

How can one use simple means to investigate the visual abilities of animals? This question is being pursued by the research group of Dr. Thomas Münch at the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience at the University of Tübingen. ...

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