
Atropine plus patching increases visual acuity in amblyopic eyes

(HealthDay)—For children with severe amblyopia, combined atropine and patching therapy (CAPT) results in greater mean improvement of amblyopic eye visual acuity (VA) compared with patching alone, according to a study published ...


Pure cocoa found to improve visual acuity in daylight

Eating 2.5 grams of pure natural cocoa powder serves to improve visual acuity in healthy young adults and in daylight conditions, according to research by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and the ICTAN (Institute ...


Smoking cannabis significantly impairs vision, study finds

A study carried out by the University of Granada indicates that smoking cannabis significantly alters key visual functions, such as visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, three-dimensional vision (stereopsis), the ability to ...


Preventive treatment reduces diabetic retinopathy complications

Early treatment with anti-VEGF injections slowed diabetic retinopathy in a clinical study from the DRCR Retina Network (DRCR.net). However, two years into the four-year study its effect on vision was similar to standard treatment, ...


The benefits of reading outdoors

Contrast is a sensory property that makes stimuli stand out. Writers, designers, and musicians all use contrast to emphasize striking differences in text, visual displays and melodies. In vision, luminance contrast describes ...


Cataract surgery in infancy increases glaucoma risk

Children who undergo cataract surgery as infants have a 22% risk of glaucoma 10 years later, whether or not they receive an intraocular lens implant. The findings come from the National Eye Institute (NEI)-funded Infant Aphakic ...

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