
Finding structure in the brain's static

While sleeping, the entire brain rolls through long, slow waves of electrical activity, like waves on a calm ocean. Researchers call that state of consciousness "slow wave sleep." Waking up changes the pattern of electrical ...


An imaging device for seeing the biochemistry of vision

The biochemistry of vision is a complex process. The molecules supporting the visual pigments that allow us to see our surrounding reality have remained essentially invisible for scientists for a long time. The team led by ...


Visuals increase attention; now science explains why

"Look at me!" we might say while attempting to engage our children. It turns out there is a neurochemical explanation for why looking at mom or dad actually helps kiddoes pay better attention.


How brains create maps

In her debut book, "Brainscapes: The Warped, Wondrous Maps Written in Your Brain—and How They Guide You," Rebecca Schwarzlose, a postdoctoral research scholar in the Department of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine, describes ...

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