
Distinguishing REM sleep from other conscious states

(Medical Xpress)—Despite decades of research, little is known about the function of REM sleep, or the dreams that often accompany it. Rapid eye movements occur in most mammals, with a few exceptions like echidnas and dolphins. ...


Neuronal feedback could change what we 'see'

Ever see something that isn't really there? Could your mind be playing tricks on you? The "tricks" might be your brain reacting to feedback between neurons in different parts of the visual system, according to a study published ...


Neuroprosthesis gives rats the ability to 'touch' infrared light

Researchers have given rats the ability to "touch" infrared light, normally invisible to them, by fitting them with an infrared detector wired to microscopic electrodes implanted in the part of the mammalian brain that processes ...


Brain implant restores visual perception to the blind

Seven years ago, Jason Esterhuizen was in a horrific car crash that destroyed his eyes, plunging him into total darkness. Today, he's regained visual perception and more independence, thanks to an experimental device implanted ...


Why, sometimes, we don't see what we actually saw

Georgetown University neuroscientists say they have identified how people can have a "crash in visual processing"—a bottleneck of feedforward and feedback signals that can cause us not to be consciously aware of stimuli ...

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