Psychology & Psychiatry

Some types of stress could be good for brain functioning

It may feel like an anvil hanging over your head, but that looming deadline stressing you out at work may actually be beneficial for your brain, according to new research from the Youth Development Institute at the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants preferentially perceive faces in the upper visual field

It has previously been reported that the human visual system has an asymmetry in the visual field. For example, humans are better at finding faces in the upper visual field than lower visual field (the so-called "upper visual ...


Measuring the 'reality' in virtual reality

You are on a Zoom call when suddenly the audio lags behind the video. Your colleague's lips move, but it looks like a dubbed movieā€”a minor inconvenience. Yet this minor issue is quite detrimental for scientific experiments ...


Novel approach reverses amblyopia in animals

Amblyopia is the most common cause of vision loss in children, according to the U.S. National Eye Institute. It arises when visual experience is disrupted during infancy, for example by a cataract in one eye. Even after the ...


Augmented reality visor makes cake taste moister, more delicious

Researchers have developed an augmented reality (AR) visor system that enables them to manipulate the light coming off food in such a way as to 'trick' people consuming the food into experiencing it as more or less moist, ...

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