Psychology & Psychiatry

Using visual imagery to find your true passions

You may think you know what you like—how to spend your time or what profession to pursue. But a new study suggests that your pre-existing self-beliefs, as well as cultural stereotypes, may interfere with your memories and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

World-first brain imaging study to understand mind blindness

To determine why some people cannot create visual images of people, places and things in their mind's eye, UNSW scientists are planning to conduct a world-first brain imaging study of people with this baffling condition, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Imagining an object can change how we hear sounds later

Seeing an object at the same time that you hear sound coming from somewhere else can lead to the "ventriloquist illusion" and its aftereffect, but research suggests that simply imagining the object produces the same illusory ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Imagination beats practice in boosting visual search performance

Practice may not make perfect, but visualization might. New research shows that people who imagined a visual target before having to pick it out of a group of distracting items were faster at finding the target than those ...

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