
Simple test could detect serious eye condition early

A simple colour test that could detect the early onset of a condition which accounts for over half of visual impairment certifications in the UK is being researched by scientists at Aston University.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Seeing' through virtual touch is believing

A University of Cincinnati experiment aimed at this diverse and growing population could spark development of advanced tools to help all the aging baby boomers, injured veterans, diabetics and white-cane-wielding pedestrians ...


Blind find game in Mexico soccer league

As nations from around the globe battle in the World Cup, a more unusual soccer championship has just been decided on a hard court in Mexico's capital.


Visual hallucinations more common than previously thought

(Medical Xpress)—Vivid hallucinations experienced by people with sight loss last far longer and have more serious consequences than previously thought, according to new research from King's College London and the Macular ...

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