
Blind people have brain map for 'visual' observations too

Is what you're looking at an object, a face, or a tree? When processing visual input, our brain uses different areas to recognize faces, body parts, scenes, and objects. Scientists at KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium, ...


Deviations from expectations: detecting moving objects

Pawel Zmarz and Georg Keller at the FMI have identified neurons in the visual cortex that enable the detection of moving objects as we move along. These neurons integrate visual and motor-related input and signal a mismatch ...


Researchers track how brain routes visual signals

Understanding how the brain manages to process the deluge of information about the outside world has been a daunting challenge. In a recent study in the journal Cell Reports, Yale's Michael Higley and Jessica Cardin from ...


How the brain pays attention (w/ video)

Picking out a face in the crowd is a complicated task: Your brain has to retrieve the memory of the face you're seeking, then hold it in place while scanning the crowd, paying special attention to finding a match.


Vision is key to spatial skills

Try to conjure a mental image of your kitchen, or imagine the route that you take to work every day. For most people, this comes so naturally that we think nothing of it, but for neuroscientists, there is still much to learn ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Video gamers really do see more, research says

Hours spent at the video gaming console not only train a player's hands to work the buttons on the controller, they probably also train the brain to make better and faster use of visual input, according to Duke University ...

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