
Staying hydrated in the cold

As temperatures dip, the most obvious signs of dehydration often disappear. An expert with Baylor College of Medicine helps understand the importance of staying hydrated in cold weather and how to identify when it's time ...

Medical research

Immunotherapy reduces lung and liver fibrosis in mice

Chronic diseases often lead to fibrosis, a condition in which organ tissue suffers from excessive scarring. Researchers at the University of Zurich have now developed an immunotherapy that specifically targets the cause—activated ...

Medical research

Scientists revive cells and organs in dead pigs

Scientists announced Wednesday they have restored blood flow and cell function throughout the bodies of pigs that were dead for an hour, in a breakthrough experts say could mean we need to update the definition of death itself.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers on a mission to block rogue melanoma protein

Despite years of skin cancer warnings, Australia continues to hold the unenviable record for the highest melanoma rates in the world, a disease that is almost universally fatal if it spreads to other organs.


'Bio-glue' could mean end to surgical sutures, staples

Western biomaterials expert Kibret Mequanint—in partnership with Malcolm Xing from University of Manitoba—has developed the first-ever hydrophobic (water-hating) fluid, which displaces body fluids surrounding an injury ...

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