Oncology & Cancer

Too many antioxidants may cause lung cancer spread

A new study explains why lung cancer spreads faster in patients with certain genetic changes, and suggests that taking vitamin E, long thought of as preventive, may cause the same spread.


Vitamins, carotenoids associated with lower risk for cataract

(HealthDay)—Higher consumption of certain vitamins and carotenoids is associated with a significantly decreased risk for age-related cataract (ARC) in cohort studies, according to a meta-analysis published in the January ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetics may influence the effects of vitamin E on cancer risk

Almost half of all Americans take a vitamin supplement, and yet many large-scale, placebo-controlled clinical trials of various supplements have found little or no benefit. A new study led by investigators from Brigham and ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Millions of people with metabolic syndrome may need more vitamin E

New research has shown that people with metabolic syndrome need significantly more vitamin E - which could be a serious public health concern, in light of the millions of people who have this condition that's often related ...

Oncology & Cancer

Vitamin E a potential biomarker for development of brain tumors

Researchers at Umeå University in Sweden and the Cancer Registry of Norway have studied possible causes behind the development of brain tumours. The results, published in the journal Oncotarget, show differences in expression ...

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