Oncology & Cancer

Study links 23 microRNAs to laryngeal cancer

A Henry Ford Hospital study has identified 23 microRNAs for laryngeal cancer, a discovery that could yield new insight into what causes certain cells to grow and become cancerous tumors in the voice box.

Oncology & Cancer

Robotic surgery effective for removing hard-to-reach throat cancer

Robotic surgery has become a mainstream tool for removing an ever-increasing variety of head and neck tumors. Now, a team of head and neck surgeons from Mayo Clinic has found robotic surgery can treat cancer in the narrow, ...


Role of the larynx and how to protect it

A medical milestone at Mayo Clinic, a total larynx transplant performed on a patient with active cancer, has generated headlines recently in the medical world. But what is the larynx and what does it do?

Oncology & Cancer

Video: What is laryngeal chondrosarcoma?

You may have heard about a recent first at Mayo Clinic, a total larynx transplant. What you may not have heard was what precipitated that transplant. The patient developed a rare form of cancer called laryngeal chondrosarcoma.


Home remedies: helping a hoarse voice

You've likely had days when your voice sounds excessively husky, raspy or weak. You may have even lost your voice for a short time laryngitis. Laryngitis is an inflammation of your voice box (larynx) from overuse, irritation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Survival differences seen for advanced-stage laryngeal cancer

The five-year survival rate for advanced-stage laryngeal cancer was higher than national levels in a small study at a single academic center performing a high rate of surgical therapy, including a total laryngectomy (removal ...

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