Psychology & Psychiatry

Vocal fry hurts women in the labor market

A form of speech known as vocal fry that is low in pitch and creaky sounding is increasingly common among young American women. Although previous research has suggested that this manner of speaking is associated with education ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neurological issues may drive common voice disorders

Hyperfunctional voice disorders (HVDs) are hard to describe but easy to hear. People with the condition produce a grab-bag of forms of unusual voice behaviors that make them more difficult to follow. Nodules on the vocal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Want to be more persuasive?

The next time you're trying to drive home a point or make a convincing pitch, adjusting the tone of your voice could help.


Pregnancy temporarily lowers a woman's voice – new study

Whether we are aware of it or not, our voices say a lot about us. Relying on only the average pitch of a person's voice, we can instantly tell if they are a child or adult, a man or woman. This is because voice pitch is highly ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Voicing your preferences for a mate—and more

Dear Health Men: You have talked about how a man's height and weight affect how he's treated, perceived and how much money he makes. What about the pitch of his voice?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do you dislike your voice? You're not alone

In research published last month in The Laryngoscope, Dr. Matthew Naunheim and the team at Mass Eye and Ear surveyed 1,522 people to explore three unanswered questions in laryngology:

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