Medical research

Study explains 'cocktail party effect' in hearing impairment

Plenty of people struggle to make sense of a multitude of converging voices in a crowded room. Commonly known as the "cocktail party effect," people with hearing loss find it's especially difficult to understand speech in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Associating colours with vowels? Almost everyone does

Does [a:] as in baa sound more green or more red? And is [i:] as in beet light or dark in colour? Even though we perceive speech and colour are perceived with different sensory organs, nearly everyone has an idea about what ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Baby talk: Babies prefer listening to their own kind

A McGill University/UQAM research team has discovered that six-month-old infants appear to be much more interested in listening to other babies than they are in listening to adults. The researchers believe that an attraction ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Need a new brand name? Think of your vowels, says new research

A simple shift in a vowel's sound can change the way people think and make decisions about objects – leading to a greater connection between a brand's name and product features a business wants to highlight, says new research ...


Researcher gives subjects their voice

Stephen Hawking and a 9-​​year-​​old girl with a speech dis­order most likely use the same syn­thetic voice. It's called Per­fect Paul and it's easy to under­stand, espe­cially in acousti­cally chaotic envi­ron­ments ...

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