
Never too old to donate a kidney?

People over age 70 years of age can safely donate a kidney, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). The results provide good news for patients ...


What to know about COVID-19 and organ donation

Nearly 1,000 people in Kentucky are waiting life-saving organs, and the transplant team at the University of Kentucky Transplant Center perform over 200 transplant surgeries a year. Hospitals around the world are adapting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Can meditation make you a more compassionate person?

Scientists have mostly focused on the benefits of meditation for the brain and the body, but a recent study by Northeastern University's David DeSteno, published in Psychological Science, takes a look at what impacts meditation ...


'Glowing hands' in the waiting room improves kids' handwashing

Use of a glowing gel that shows kids how well they wash their hands by illustrating bacteria they missed while washing and may significantly improve hand hygiene, according to a study published in the July issue of Infection ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Experiences trump things, even before purchase

(HealthDay)—People derive value from the anticipation of purchasing something, and this anticipation tends to be greater for an experiential purchase than for a material purchase, according to a study published online Aug. ...


Study: Medicaid patients wait longer to see doctors

Waiting to see a doctor is frustrating, as anyone who has spent too much time flipping through old magazines or warily eyeing coughing strangers can attest. According to a new study by MIT researchers, Medicaid patients experience ...

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